Position: 57,28.2N 030,26.4W 6 October UTC 18.00 mid north Atlantic Baro 998 rising, wind East 15KT, sea moderate, around 2m. current west (against us) Air temp 9.7c, water temp 9.2c.
We plod south east. Chug Chug Chug….As we have an almost perfect headwind at the moment have decided to drop sails, and rely on the engine to power us towards out destination waypoint of Bantry Bay, (course 107T, distance 781 NM)
I think that we will experience a slackening of the headwind in around 6 hours, then Inshallah, it will veer south and off we go. The GRIB file I am using is normally very accurate, and we can safely plan our tactics for progression SE with the data this service supplies. Great!
Life on board has settled into a routine, similar I think to remaining sane and coping with a stint at her Majesties Pleasure… that is, seconds becomes minutes, minutes become hours, hours become days or something like that.
…… as I look out of the window to my right, we have nothing but grey sea, grey sky and grey clouds, oh and several Grey Plumed Fulmars who are hanging around for free grub.., hey, right here it’s very much 5 Shades of Grey!, and given the current crew on board I’m pretty happy it’s not 50.
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Making good progress – roughly half way – good work skipper and crew. Tracking Northabout’s progress and blogs from around the world.