Rob Hudson Crew 4th and final leg; Atlantic crossing. 17th October
Beautiful morning, sun shining, a decent breeze from behind, and rolling down the Atlantic swells under full foresail at a steady 6kts, with bursts to 9kts if the waves pick us up. We are now well into the Celtic Sea, past Cork in the north, and enjoying the run home. We saw a dolphin last night, and four this morning so far.
Skipper Mike is keeping us on our toes, with no relaxing – constant AIS watch, and looking out for boats without AIS on radar.
We passed the Fastnet last night, but it was blowing hard and after midnight, so I escaped marooning on that isolated rock. The court martial is now deferred to Portishead, where I should be able to jump ship fairly easily. I must remember to lift the keel when we get in to make the keelhauling easier!